Tag Archives: Brooks

Cold Weather running

10 Dec

Cold Weather running;

Today was the first day in Minnesota when the temperatures really made me say damn it’s cold and this is tough running outside. 7am run with the group and 3 degrees with wind burr! But we all bundled up got outside and logged those miles. And when we got done had frozen faces, numb butts, and tired legs it felt great to get it done! Running outdoors is one of my many joys in life sure 50 degrees would be a lot better but I look at any day I’m able to get outdoors and run as a blessing and when I share those miles with friends even better.

The key to cold weather running is gear a person must have the proper attire and then you can manage it. Also the key is to layer so if you get hot you can shed a layer but be careful of this as then you may get cold again so I say sweat it up!

What does my winter running gear consist of you ask? Well today’s gear (thanks for my favorite store TC Running) was:
CWX compression shorts
Pearl Izumi insulated running tights
CEP compression calf sleeves
Smart wool socks
Salomon Trail shoes today’s model the Transmission 3 I also run in Speed cross 3
Sacouny mock turtle neck base layer
Nike Pro base layer
REI running fleece
Kswiss/Life Time Run wind running jacket
Brooks mittens
Columbia (Iowa Hawkeye) running hat

That gives you an idea of the amount of layers needed sometimes on cold days. I always suggest to start with a really nice base layer long sleeve shirt, then move to a warmer fleece type piece and then always top it off with a wind breaker style running jacket. Bottoms depends on how cold but I always like to wear compression shorts under my tights and in this cold of weather prefer insulated style and I must say the Pearl Izumi ones are great! The next key piece is good socks I have found smart wool to make about the best winter running socks but I have also started trying out a pair of Experia ones that I really like.

The shoes; a good trail shoe is key to winter running something that protects the feet and does not allow wind to blow through also something with good traction and grip in case you have some snow on the trails. I have found this year that I really love the Salomon trail shoes they are light, have nice grip, keep my feet toasty and have great cushion. There is a lot of trail shoes out there and for the most part many of them are good. Pearl Izumi makes a great trail shoe, the Brooks Cascadia I hear is a nice shoe (I’ve never run in it), Nike makes a good trail shoe and the Kswiss Blade Trail is a nice winter weather shoe but does not have really great grip for the trails or snow so it’s better when it’s cold and trails are dry.

For safety I suggest running with a partner or group in winter as you never know out there and carry a few bucks in case you need to call for a ride.

So don’t let the frigid temps of winter get you down and make you go inside. Just layer up and brave the cold and log those miles out in Mother Nature’s beauty. Winter running can be a really pretty time of year to run when the sun shines bright and fresh snow hangs in the trees. Just be careful of footing and slow things down a bit.

Happy Running!
Coach MB